Oregon Revised Statute 426 requires that all persons placed on a notice of mental illness be investigated within 24 hours, as well as monitored upon commitment, as a protection of their civil rights. The state delegates the commitment services role to the counties.

Between July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011, ICP investigated 4736 total holds and commitment staff monitored 546 patients and 160 trial visits.

Here is a Commitment Process Involuntary Commitment Process (35.86 KB) chart that illustrates how someone moves from initial hospitalization to transition back to community. 

How does an involuntary commitment work?

An emergency hold (e-hold) places an individual in a hospital while Multnomah County Involuntary Commitment Program (ICP) staff investigate the individual's mental health status to determine if the person has a mental illness and is dangerous to self and/or others.

If appropriate, ICP staff file for a pre-commitment hearing with the circuit court. When ICP recommends a hearing, ORS 426.110-120 requires that a court examiner make an independent recommendation to the Judge.

Commitment Monitors assess committed individuals to determine whether they continue to meet commitment criteria, work with hospital staff to develop treatment and discharge plans, and make recommendations on continued hospitalization. Commitment monitors perform monitoring services during trial visits to the community, facilitate financial and medical entitlements, and ensure that individuals transition into the most appropriate level of community care.