Multnomah County's Board of Commissioners adopts an annual budget to plan for the effective delivery of services to the community and to responsibly manage the public resources that support these services.

Multnomah County uses an incremental budgeting process.

Phase I: Departments submit their Budgets for consideration.

Phase II: The Chair develops the Proposed Budget.

Phase III: The Board Adopts the final Budget.

The program offers below are shown at each stage in the process. The following describes each of the column stages in more detail.

Department Submitted - are the program offers submitted by the departments on February 13, 2015 for consideration in the Chair's Proposed Budget. These program offers are shown as submitted by the departments and have not yet been reviewed by the Budget Office for accuracy.

Chair's Proposed - are program offers that have been included (funded) in the FY 2016 Chair's Proposed Budget, which will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on April 23rd. As the Chair’s Office reviews the program offers, they may be updated or changed.

Adopted - are the program offers that are included (funded) in the County's Adopted Budget. This is the final stage of the budget process. The County's Budget will be adopted on June 18th.

Additional information on the FY 2016 Budget can be found at: http:///budget/fy-2016-budget. Information on prior year budgets can be found at: /budget.

Program Offers

Prog. Offer # Prog. Offer Name Department Submitted Chair’s Proposed Adopted
Bridge Services
Sellwood Replacement Project
Transportation Capital
Transportation Planning
Land Use Planning
Land Use Planning Customer Service
Land Use Planning Compliance
City Supplemental Payments
Safe Routes to Schools
Cully Neighborhood Park Development
Land Use Comprehensive Plan Update
Fund Level Transactions
General Fund Revenues
