FY22 Amendment: alternative shelter 

Commissioner Meieran - Proposed May 26, 2021 

This amendment adds $5.3 million total American Rescue Plan funds to Program Offer #30700B - COVID-19 Recovery - Alternative Shelter for Adults. This funding will support 2.0 FTE ($300,000) to oversee and manage a portfolio of alternative shelter work in the Joint Office of Homeless Services including implementing a plan to establish an expanded, coordinated network of alternative shelter sites across Multnomah County. This staff capacity would: provide support for existing alternative shelter programs; provide support for new proposed programs through a recently issued JOHS Alternative Shelter Request for Programmatic Qualifications (RFPQ); and ensure coordination with City of Portland on approved staffing in the Office of Management and Finance (OMF) and proposals to spend up to $20 million in City American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds for sanctioned safe sleep sites. 

This funding will expand on the existing $3 million Metro Supportive Housing Services Measure investment in alternative shelter, increasing the funding by $5.3 million for a total of $8.3 million, and providing an estimated 500 units of additional alternative shelter. This funding is intended to support an ecosystem of coordinated and expanded alternative shelter options that will be integrated into the existing JOHS continuum of shelter, services, and housing. This funding will provide for more alternative shelter options including: additional qualified proposals generated through the JOHS Alternative Shelter RFPQ; small “safe sleep” sites; safe parking sites; more structured and/or self-governed larger outdoor shelter sites; supplies for basic health and safety; and services at varying levels to operate and manage the sites.