If you have a low income you may qualify for free heating and cooling services like insulation and furnace upgrades from Multnomah County.

Multnomah County Weatherization Program can save you money on your energy bill and improve your indoor air quality. 

Email us now to get started! It's fast and easy. 

Do you qualify?

To be eligible for our program you must:

  • Meet low-income qualifications (which can be found on the State of Oregon website.)

  • Live in Multnomah County
  • Own or rent a site built or mobile home (if you are a renter, landlord’s approval is required)

How to sign up

Call 503-988-7423 or email weatherization.team@multco.us to speak with someone who will discuss your weatherization needs. We will return your call or email within 5 business days.

What we can fix at no cost to you

A trained staff member will conduct an energy audit of the home to determine and identify measures that can save you money on your energy bills. Cost-effective measures may include:

  • Ceiling, wall and floor insulation

  • Furnace inspection

  • Heating duct improvements

  • Air sealing
  • Energy education


Multnomah County Weatherization has collaborated with the City of Portland Water Bureau to provide plumbing repairs and replacement for Portland residents in single-family homes. Call 503-988-7423 or email weatherization.team@multco.us to apply.