This is not a resource for immediate housing needs. Contact 211info, your local social services information service:

African american family standing togetherOverview

The Multnomah County Renter Relations Project is prioritizing voices of from those who’ve experienced rent hikes, unfordable homes, and gentrification first hand:

  • Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC),
  • Cost-burdened renters
  • Those experiencing or at-risk of homelessness,
  • People with disabilities and
  • Tenants facing discrimination.
  • Working in affordable housing placement programs.

We want to hear from you

Take the Renter Relations Project Survey

The purpose of this survey is to collect demographic information and displacement to inform the Renter Relations project.

Goals of the Renter Relations Project

  1. Renters should have the same rights no matter where they live.
  2. Tenants will be educated on their rights and available services.
  3. We will focus on the prevention of homelessness and displacement.
  4. The County should use its resources and advocate to help remove barriers to housing.
  5. Our work will prioritize communities of color and other marginalized populations.