Our diversion efforts redirect youthful offenders from the justice system through programming, supervision, and supports. 

While it is recognized that some youth commit serious offenses and may need to be confined within a secure setting, research has shown that many youth in the juvenile justice system are there for relatively minor offenses, have significant mental health issues, and end up in out-of-home placement or on probation by default. Diversion programs are alternatives to initial or continued formal processing of youth in the juvenile delinquency system.

JSD initiatives include:

Peer Court

  • Peer Court acts as a diversion program that is designed to give youth ages 12-17 with first-time, low-level law violations a chance to repair harm and show accountability for their actions without involvement in the juvenile justice system. 


  • CHI EI, is an Early Intervention and Diversion Program designed to help youth get back on track and moving in a positive direction. The program connects youth who have committed low-level offenses for the first time to resources in their communities in an effort to keep them out of the formal juvenile justice system.

Informal supervision (detention alternatives)

  • The Multnomah County Department of Community Justice believes in using the least restrictive means of supervision for youth possible while assuring public safety and that secure detention should primarily be used for those youth who pose a high level of risk for re-offense or failure to appear for a court hearing. Objective evaluation standards and admissions criteria ensure that youth are being treated fairly and consistently and help set appropriate levels of community supervision while managing public resources efficiently.