Registered voters in Multnomah County: 402,285 - Link to Election Results
Date Daily Ballot Return  Cumulative Turnout
4/5/2012 - 4/30/2012 515 515 .13%
Tue 5-1-2012 7,741 8,256 2.05%
Wed 5-2-2012 10,986 19,242 4.78%
Thur 5-3-2012 4,519 23,761 5.91%
Fri 5-4-2012 6,109 29,870 7.43%
Mon 5-7-2012 8,472 38,342 9.53%
Tue 5-8-2012 11,469 49,811 12.38%
Wed 5-9-2012 5,537 55,348 13.76%
Thur 5-10-2012 8,753 64,101 15.93%
Fri 5-11-2012 6,209 70,310 17.48%
Sat 5-12-2012 4,161 74,471 18.51%
Mon 5-14-2012  17,856 92,336 22.95%
Tue 5-15-2012  68,609 160,945 40.01%

Statewide daily turnout (Oregon Secretary of State's office).