Multnomah County Military/Overseas Voters' Guide
The Military/Overseas Voters' Guide contains candidate statements and measure arguments submitted for inclusion in the Multnomah County Voters' Pamphlet for the November 8, 2022 General Election. The information has not been edited for erroneous endorsements and is not accompanied by candidate photographs. If there is not a statement for a candidate, that candidate did not file a statement. For a list of all candidates, see the link below.
The Oregon Secretary of State also provides a State Military and Overseas Voters' Guide for the November 8, 2022 General Election.
- Military and Overseas Letter - 2022-11-08_mil_overseas_letter.pdf (299.38 KB)
- Complete list of all Candidates and Ballot Measures (147.05 KB)
- Full Measure Text - Full Text of Ballot Titles (203 KB)
Multnomah County Chair
- Sharon Meieran - multco_chair_sharon_meieran.pdf (66.22 KB)
- Jessica Vega Pederson - multco_chair_jessica_vega_pederson.pdf (63.14 KB)
City of Fairview
- Councilor, Position 4
- Balwant Bhullar - fairview_4_balwant_bhullar_nov22.pdf (60.73 KB)
- Jenni Weber - fairview_4_jenni_weber_nov22.pdf (105.21 KB)
- Councilor, Position 5
- Steve Owen - fairview_5_steve_owen_nov22.pdf (67.34 KB)
- Mike Weatherby - fairview_5_mike_weatherby_nov22.pdf (96.5 KB)
- Councilor, Position 6
- Paul Copeland - fairview_6_paul_copeland_nov22.pdf (43.52 KB)
City of Gresham
- Mayor
- Travis Stovall - gresham_mayor_travis _stovall_nov22.pdf (57.42 KB)
- Councilor, Position 2
- Eddy Morales - gresham_2_eddy_morales_nov22.pdf (77.46 KB)
- Cathy Vandehey Keathley - gresham_2_cathy_vandehey_keathley_nov22.pdf (76.23 KB)
- Thomas Stanley - gresham_2_thomas_stanley_nov22.pdf (65.04 KB)
- Councilor, Position 4
- Mario Palmero - gresham_4_mario_palmero_nov22.pdf (74.94 KB)
- Jerry W Hinton - gresham_4_jerry_hinton_nov22.pdf (69.62 KB)
- Councilor, Position 6
- Amanda Orozco-Beach - gresham_6_amanda_orozco-beach_nov22.pdf (102.3 KB)
- Janine Gladfelter - gresham_6_janine_gladfelter_nov22.pdf (75.36 KB)
City of Lake Oswego
- Councilor (vote for 3)
- Jeff Gudman - lake_oswego_jeff_gudman_nov22.pdf (92.34 KB)
- Trudy Corrigan - lake_oswego_trudy_corrigan_nov22.pdf (63.59 KB)
- John Wendland - lake_oswego_john_wendland_nov22.pdf (58.71 KB)
- Ali Afghan - lake_oswego_ali_afghan_nov22.pdf (228.17 KB)
City of Portland
- Commissioner, Position 3
- Rene Gonzalez - portland_3_rene_gonzalez_nov22.pdf (59.39 KB)
- Jo Ann Hardesty - portland_3_jo_ann_hardesty_nov22.pdf (71.57 KB)
City of Troutdale
- Council Member (vote for 3)
- Nick Moon - troutdale_nick_moon_nov22.pdf (47.78 KB)
- GianPaolo Mammone - troutdale_gianpaolo_mammone_nov22.pdf (66.51 KB)
- David Ripma - troutdale_david_ripma_nov22.pdf (82.04 KB)
- Geoffrey Wunn - troutdale_geoffrey_wunn_nov22.pdf (59.24 KB)
East Multnomah Soil and Water
- At Large, Position 2
- Jasmine Zimmer-Stucky - emswcd_al_p2_jasmine_zimmer-stucky.pdf (55.92 KB)
- Director, Zone 3
- Michael Guebert - emswcd_z3_michael_guebert_nov22.pdf (60.27 KB)
- Jake Kerslake - emswcd_z3_jake_kerslake_nov22.pdf (51.79 KB)
West Multnomah Soil and Water District
- Director, Zone 4
- Brian W Lightcap - wmswcd_z4_brian_w_lightcap_nov22.pdf (57.68 KB)
Ballot Measures
- Multnomah County - Charter Committee referrals
- Measure 26-230 (80.4 KB)
- Measure 26-231 (70.92 KB)
- argument in favor - 26-231_f-01.pdf (70.89 KB)
- Measure 26-232 (90.7 KB)
- arguments in favor - 26-232_f-01_f-05.pdf (340.1 KB)
- Measure 26-233 (83.15 KB)
- Measure 26-234 (85.64 KB)
- argument in favor - 26-234_f-01.pdf (125.08 KB)
- Measure 26-235 (80.67 KB)
- argument in favor - 26-235_f-01.pdf (119.27 KB)
- Measure 26-236 (100.21 KB)
- City of Portland - Amends Charter: Changes Portland's government structure
- Measure 26-228 (487.38 KB)
- arguments in favor - 26-228_f-01_f-16.pdf (2.53 MB)
- arguments in opposition - 26-228_o-01_o-14.pdf (1.01 MB)
- Measure 26-228 (487.38 KB)
- Metro - Renews local option levy; protects natural areas, water quality, fish
- Measure 26-225 (90.45 KB)
- arguments in favor - 26-225_f-01_f-08.pdf (521.74 KB)
- arguments in opposition - 26-225_o-01_o-02.pdf (127.22 KB)
- Measure 26-225 (90.45 KB)
- Portland Community College - Bonds to construct job training space, improve classrooms, safety, technology
- Measure 26-224 (96.31 KB)
- arguments in favor - 26-224_f-01_f-06.pdf (390.37 KB)
- arguments in opposition - 26-224_o-01_o-02.pdf (115.13 KB)
- Measure 26-224 (96.31 KB)
- Beaverton School District
- Measure 34-321
- argument in favor - 34-321_f-01.pdf (68.82 KB)
- Measure 34-321
- David Douglas School District - Bonds to Increase Safety, Security; Repair, Update Schools; Vocational Education
- Measure 26-227 (490.27 KB)
- arguments in favor - 26-227_f-01_f-08.pdf (870.9 KB)
- Measure 26-227 (490.27 KB)
- Parkrose School District - Five-year Operating Levy for Parkrose School District
- Measure 26-229 (103.91 KB)
- arguments in favor - 26-229_f-01_f-03.pdf (192.14 KB)
- Measure 26-229 (103.91 KB)
- Corbett Fire District - Corbett Fire District No. 14 General Obligation Bond Authorization
- Measure 26-237 (83.68 KB)
- Alto Park Water District - Five-Year Local Option Tax for District Operations
- Measure 26-226 (57.79 KB)