Local Public Safety Coordinating Council (“The Council”) meetings are held monthly. However, due to the development of a LPSCC Executive Committee, the Council will meet every other month on the 4th Monday from 1:30-3pm for the first half of 2024. Unless otherwise noted, meetings will be virtual, and login information is posted below. These meetings are public and posted on the Multnomah County Board Meeting page.

Agendas and materials for each meeting are linked below when they become available.  The recorded meeting will be posted by the end of the week.

To attend virtual meetings as an observer, register here.For questions, please contact Christina YoussiMeeting Schedule (subject to change)

2024 Meetings

January 22, 2024

The main topics of the January meeting are:

  • County and City community safety and justice legislative priorities
  • Local gun violence prevention strategies 

LPSCC Agenda January 22, 2024 (167.61 KB)
City_County LPSCC Legislative Agenda Presentation (391.15 KB)
County Gun Violence Presentation to LPSCC (1.71 MB)
LPSCC_MCSO Gun Violence Prevention Briefing (652.55 KB)
Gresham Gun violence slides for LPSCC (1.97 MB)
Portland Gun Violence Presentation to LPSCC (1.24 MB)

Watch the recorded meeting

March 25, 2024

The March meeting was about drug possession legislation and the impacts that HB 4002 and HB 5204 will have on our county's criminal justice system. 

LPSCC Agenda March 25, 2024 (161.9 KB)
HBs 5204 and 4002 Overview for LPSCC (276.3 KB)
Presentation to LPSCC RE Deflection_Campbell, PSU (2.33 MB)

Watch the recorded meeting

June 24, 2024

The June meeting was dedicated to HB4002 public safety updates

LPSCC Agenda June 24, 2024 (163.31 KB)
Public Safety Aspects of HB4002 (71.34 KB)
DCS Prosecutions Slides (728.08 KB)
Pretrial Presentation LPSCC 6-24-24 Judge Greenlick-.pdf (410.28 KB)
Presiding Release Order

Watch the recorded meeting

July 22, 2024

The July meeting focused on the needs and services for human trafficking survivors in Multnomah County. A HB4002 implementation update was also provided. 

LPSCC Agenda July 22, 2024 (151.82 KB)

PPB Human Trafficking Unit Presentation (191.99 KB)
Human Trafficking Prevention Toolkit
Sex Trafficking Community Advisory Board
New Day Slide Presentation (3.82 MB)
Multnomah County Human Services Resources Slide (122.89 KB)
Overview of PHD STI resources for LPSCC Sex Trafficking Panel (54.68 KB)

Deflection Center Phased Approach Slide (63.81 KB)

Watch recorded meeting

    August 26, 2024

    The August meeting focused again on HB4002 public safety updates

    LPSCC Agenda August 26, 2024 (167.62 KB)

    Justice Fellowship Presentation (348.5 KB)
    MultCo Deflection Update 8.26.24 (1.07 MB)

    Watch the recorded meeting