10 ways to stay cool, safe in Multnomah County

July 1, 2013

10 ways to beat the heat today:

1. Reschedule outdoor exercise and outdoor work to cooler hours.

2. Stick to the shade.

3. Dress loose and light.

4. Spend the afternoon at the library, a matinee or window-shopping at the mall.

5. Drink more water than usual.

6. Limit using the stove and oven, which makes your house hotter.

7. Bookmark the Multnomah County Aging and Disability Services or the Helpline at 503-988-3646 or TTY at 711.

8. Read about symptoms of heat stroke on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.

9. Call 2-1-1 (211info) for cooling centers near you.

10. Register with Public Alerts, an online connection for county residents, to receive real-time emergency information about roads and bridges, transit, public health, public safety, utilities, community services, schools and weather.