Board declares wrongful opioid supply a public nuisance, prepares lawsuit against Big Pharma
Multnomah County would join more than a dozen states and counties seeking to hold suppliers of opioid pain medication accountable for oversupply
Multnomah County would join more than a dozen states and counties seeking to hold suppliers of opioid pain medication accountable for oversupply
Multnomah County Chair Deborah Kafoury and Commissioner Jessica Vega Pederson will gather Wednesday, July 26, with children and community leaders to rally for Cleaner Air Oregon.
Multnomah County got done in Salem what it set out to accomplish: secure funding for a new courthouse.
The Multnomah County Health Officer is warning of a recent spike in heroin overdoses concentrated in downtown Portland. Emergency providers and police reported an increase beginning July 19.
Uprooted: An extended family scatters across East Portland after a rent increase pushes them from an affordable apartment in Cully.
The vital role of Pretrial, Probation and Parole Professionals - “The job is a mix of law enforcement and social work."
Multnomah County and communities across U.S. and Canada celebrate ‘Pretrial, Probation and Parole Supervision Week,’ with an emphasis on collaboration/partnerships.
Conversations about a merger of the Sheriff’s Office and the City of Fairview began more than a year ago after Troutdale completed its agreement to merge its police force with the Sheriff's Office.
Multnomah County's Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge project is underway. Take an online survey, view videos and learn about options for creating an earthquake-resilient Burnside river crossing.
As many as 150 students will receive a meal at the school a day. That’s down from the 4,000 meals served during the school year.
Authorities are searching for a 16-year-old Multnomah County youth who escaped from the Donald E. Long Detention Facility in Northeast Portland on Saturday, July 8, 2017.
After the Oregon Senate approved raising the sales age of tobacco to 21 in Oregon, Multnomah County has cancelled a scheduled public hearing July 13 to do the same.