Derriel Ingram

Favorite Quote
“There are two questions that we have to ask ourselves. The 1st is “Where am I going?" and the 2nd is "Who will go with me?"
If you ever get these questions in the wrong order, you are in trouble.”
― Howard Thurman

Why I joined the MYC?
Joining Multnomah Youth Commissions was solely a mystic thought roaming about in my brain just a year ago before I converted that thought into a beautiful reality. I had seen the work of my fellow young commissioners being spread amongst the community and even throughout my own high school years before knowing who they actually were. Upon the death of my father, I promised him to live out "the" dream. MYC, being a dream of mine, I knew it was the first step to greatness.

MYC Goal for the Year
The goals I have for MYC are to encourage people who look like me to be better than I have ever dreamed of. There is a lack of visible positive influence within the lower income communities and I wish to speak up for who I used to be as well as who I am bound to become. We will all become successful in the act of bettering each other. Albeit, my effort is focused on anyone in need.