Multnomah County is recruiting volunteers to serve on a Community Task Force, an advisory body that will provide important input during the environmental study phase of the Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge project.
What is the Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge project?
Portland’s aging downtown bridges are not expected to withstand a major earthquake, so Multnomah County is taking the lead on making at least one earthquake-ready. Located in the heart of downtown, the Burnside Bridge is a key link across the Willamette River along Burnside Street, a regionally established lifeline route that connects Washington County to Gresham. Since 1926, the bridge has served us well, but to take us across the river for another 100 years, it needs an upgrade.
Over the past 18 months we have been working with the community and agencies to narrow over 100 bridge replacement and rehabilitation options to a short list of feasible options that will be further evaluated.
To learn more about where we are in the process, see our latest factsheet.
What will Community Task Force members be committing to?
Community Task Force members will be asked to serve during the 3-year environmental review phase. Meetings will be held on a weekday evening approximately every 2-3 months and in a central location convenient to transit. Dinner will be provided.
Who are we looking for?
Multnomah County is seeking a diverse group of volunteers (age, gender, race, income level) who use the Burnside Bridge and will depend on it during a major earthquake, including:
- Bicyclists
- Business owners/representatives
- Commercial drivers
- Drivers
- Emergency service providers
- Pedestrians
- People with disabilities
- Residents
- River users
- Social service providers
- Transit riders
The ideal task force volunteer is someone:
- Interested in an earthquake-resilient Burnside Bridge that can serve our community for the next 100 years
- Available to attend evening meetings (estimated 15-20 times in next three years beginning October 2018)
- Able to represent the interests of an organization or interest group
- Open to actively participating in a consensus building group process
No professional design experience is required.
To apply
Individuals interested in serving need to complete an online application form by the close of business on Friday, August 17, 2018. Applicants can also complete a hard copy of the application and return it to Multnomah County’s Communications Office via mail (501 SE Hawthorne Blvd., 6th Floor, Portland, OR 97214) or e-mail ( For information, call 503-209-4111.