District Attorney: Juvenile Court Trial Unit

Series Descriptions

Series Title (Agency Series #): Description, Retention (Legal Citation)

Juvenile Delinquency Case Records (DAJ1-002(d) and DAJ1-002(e)):

Documents felony and misdemeanor cases committed by juveniles and handled by the Juvenile Court. Provides criminal history for possible reference in future juvenile or adult criminal cases. Includes police incident reports, District Attorney log notes, psychological evaluations, juvenile counselor case summaries and recommendations, juvenile social histories, and Juvenile Court petitions and orders.
Retention: Retain felony cases 75 years (DAJ1-002(d)) ; Retain misdemeanor cases 24 years (DAJ1-002(e)) . (State Trial Court Records Section 2.2—Case Files)

Juvenile Dependency Case Records (DAJ1-001):

Documents juvenile dependency cases arising from child abuse, neglect, abandonment, or other adverse living conditions. Cases close upon Juvenile Court determination of State Services to Families and Children (SCF) temporary custody of child (wardship to court). Once closed, may provide reference for family and criminal histories, conditions of future siblings, and cases involving termination of parental rights. A case file is maintained containing case information about all family members. Includes child abuse incident reports, protective custody reports, Juvenile Court petitions and orders, District Attorney log notes, correspondence, and psychological profiles.
Retention: Retain 75 years. (State Trial Court Records Section 2.2—Case Files)

Termination Of Parental Rights Case Records (DAJ1-003):

Documents juvenile court hearings to terminate the parental rights of one or both parents of a child(ren). This process is governed by ORS 419B.500-524 and is heard by the Juvenile Court judge and may involve the State District Attorney's office and State Services to Children and Families as well as the County District Attorney's office. Records include case logs (showing all case actions by date), juvenile court motions and orders, case records from various jurisdictions used as evidence to support the case, guardianship studies, intake report, SCF report to the court, planning hearing records, custody petitions, summons, termination orders, rehearing records, and related information.
Retention: Retain 75 years. (State Trial Court Records Section 2.2—Case Files)