Project Information

    • Location: E Larch Mountain Road, from milepost 7 to 14
    • Schedule: Construction is complete and the road is open.
    • Estimated Cost: $5.1 million
    • Funding Source: Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) with county matching funds

    Project Description

    Our contractor paved and repaired the badly degraded E Larch Mountain Road, starting east of SE Red Elder Drive. The upper half of the road received a fresh asphalt surface, and in many places the contractor dug out the full roadbed for repair.

    They also replaced some old guardrails and added some new ones. Finally, the road was freshly striped.

    Traffic Impacts

    The road was closed east of SE Red Elder Drive for most of the 2023 season.

    We are interested in your feedback on this project. Please fill in the form below if you have comments, questions or suggestions.