Did you know?

· Students of any age who miss just two days of school a month (or 17 days a year) are more likely to fall behind and less likely to graduate.

· It doesn't matter if the absences are excused or unexcused, or if they are occasional or all in a row.

· School attendance matters even for young children. Children who miss too many days in kindergarten or first grade can struggle in learning how to read.

Why is attendance important?

We want all children to succeed, be healthy, and be able to earn a good living when they become adults.

Attendance is important to a student’s success just like attendance on the job matters. Evidence shows missing just two days per month in a year, as early as preschool and kindergarten, means a student is less likely to learn to read or graduate from high school. Students who don’t graduate earn 25% less than those who graduate high school.

We’d like to help ensure every student succeeds and is able to get good work. We recognize there are many reasons students miss school, some of which are unavoidable.

This webpage provides some resources and connections to help support children and youth school attendance. 

Communities Supporting Youth Attendance Tool Kit