Transportation Safety Survey
We need your help to reduce roadway fatalities and serious injuries for all travelers across urban East County. Take our survey and enter to win a $50 dollar grocery store gift card. The last day to take the survey is Thursday, September 26th.
Project Description
In 2024, the county got a Safe Streets for All (SS4A) planning grant from Metro and the U.S. Department of Transportation. This grant allows the county to work with other groups and the community to improve road safety. There will be chances for the community to give input through surveys and events. The planning team will use crash data to study safety and equity, which will help decide on projects to recommend. The final plan will list safety projects and data analysis that could get funding- all shaped by the community.
- Flyer: Take the Transportation Safety Survey! (3.75 MB)
- Flyer: ¡Toma la Encuesta de Seguridad en el Transporte! (3.82 MB)
Project Timeline
Phase 1: Listen & Learn
Jun-Nov 2024
Community storytelling, policy and safety analysis
Phase 2: Reflect and Dive In
Mar-Apr 2025
Develop and share transportation safety improvement recommendations
Phase 3: Refine
Jul-Aug 2025
Prepare Draft Plan
Final Plan Complete
Oct 2025
Focus on High Injury Corridors
The project will look at local and county roads in urban East Multnomah County, outside the City of Portland. It will focus on high injury corridors (HICs), which are roads where the most serious crashes happen. Knowing where these crashes are concentrated helps in planning and prioritizing safety efforts to meet safety goals.
- High Injury Corridors (2.11 MB)
- Corredores con alto índice de lesiones (2.19 MB)
We Want to Hear From You!
Whether you walk, bike, roll, motorcycle, drive, take public transit, skateboard, or scooter, we want your input! Share your specific ideas or big ideas to make roads in urban East Multnomah County safer.
- Do you feel safe walking, biking, driving, or rolling around East Multnomah County?
- What areas, intersections, or streets feel unsafe?
- Have you had a transportation close call? We want to hear your story.
There are several ways to get involved:
- Sign up for our project email list to receive updates.
- Fill out our community survey to share your thoughts on traffic safety in urban East County.
Or look for our table at upcoming community events:
- June 19: Juneteenth at Vance Park
- July 19: Wood Village Nite Out- Wood Village
- July 26: Movie in the Park at Pat Pfeifer Park- Gresham
- July 27: Fairview on the Green- Fairview
- Aug 2: Family Fun Night, Play East- Wood Village and Fairview
- Aug 23, 24: Rock the Block- Rockwood, Gresham- Community walks 8/24 at 12pm and 3pm from the county booth
- Sept 6: Troutdale Art Walk- Troutdale
If you have more questions about the project, contact