Personal Information
Demographic Information (optional)
Select all that apply.
Educational Background
Professional Background
Reason for Volunteering
Safety is a great concern to the County, including safety for contractors and workers on the job sit. Therefore, drug testing is widespread acceptance, as well as, taking safety classes before individuals are allowed on the construction site. Please answer the following.
What is the length of your construction experience?
Language Fluency
We are requesting a writing sample for with this volunteer position you will be responsible for writing narratives that will be public record — acceptable writing samples: 250-word sample from an essay or research paper or a cover letter. You will be disqualified if you do not provide a writing sample, but no one will be excluded because of providing a writing sample. Please provide your same in the text area above or upload it below in the many file formats we accept.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png txt pdf doc docx.