CBAC presenting to Board

About Community Budget Advisory Committees

Community Budget Advisory Committees (CBACs) are groups of community members that review and make recommendations on county departmental budgets and operations. 

Multnomah County's Community Budget Advisory Committees (CBACs) are established in county code [section 3.300] directing the community to confer on the budget and provide a means of informing the community about county budget challenges and decisions. CBACs are one of the key ways that the county receives community input on its budget priorities. CBAC volunteers hear directly from department directors and other staff about the county’s programs and services. Together, they make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners about how Multnomah County can best use its resources to serve the community.

In recent years, CBAC recommendations have prioritized services for mental health, racial equity, housing and public safety. Although not all CBAC recommendations are adopted, input from committee members improves how the county uses revenue and delivers services to residents.

There are ten CBACs, one for each Multnomah County department. The Central Community Budget Advisory Committee (CCBAC) is made up of one member from each CBAC, and is charged with making county-wide recommendations to the Chair, the Board and the public that may cross departmental lines and affect one or more departments.

CBAC Membership

The requirements for CBAC membership are:

  • that you have an interest in the programs and budget process of the County;
  • that you are available to attend meetings and participate in deliberations (most CBACs meet monthly, with more meetings during budget season).
  • that you are not a current employee of Multnomah County

No budgeting or financial expertise is necessary! CBAC members do not go line by line through the County budget. Meetings are focused on the bigger picture - understanding the County's programs and services, discussing challenges and opportunities that departments are considering in their budget process, and providing input on key budget decisions for the next year.

Preference will be provided to individuals who live or work in the county or have a demonstrated connection to Multnomah County.

Appointments to the CBACs are for three years, and members may serve for six consecutive years.

CBACs typically meet once a month, with additional meetings sometimes needed during the most active time of the budgeting process from January to March.

Before completing your application, we recommend reviewing this list of county departments and offices to determine which committees most align with your interests and experience:  Multnomah County Departments and Offices.pdf (67.28 KB)

How to Apply

This CBAC year will advise the departments on the 2025-26 Budget. All Multnomah Community Budget Advisory Committees (CBAC) are seeking new members. Due to unprecedented timing there are openings on every committee for the 25-26 budget process. 

Departments Seeking Advisory Members:
Dept of Community Justice
Dept of Community Services
Dept of County Human Services
Dept of County Assets & Management
District Attorney
Health Department
Sheriff's Office 
Joint Office of Homeless Services



  • Information Sessions: offered remotely. Please contact us with any questions and for the zoom link. 
    • October 1st at 10:00 AM
    • October 2nd 2024 at 5:00 PM
    • October 3rd at 5:00 PM
  • Applications Due- October 11
  • Review Applications & Follow Up- Monday, October 14 to Fri, Oct. 18 
  • Notification of Selection- Tuesday October 29, 2024
  • General Orientation Nov 6, 2024 6pm

To learn more about the CBAC program, visit