Every six years, a Multnomah County Charter Review Committee (MCCRC) is convened for the purpose of studying the County Charter and, if it chooses, to submit Charter amendments to the voters of Multnomah County. The charter is the local version of a constitution, essentially creating the structure of Multnomah County government.

The 2021-2022 MCCRC is seeking input from the community on changes to the County Charter and charter topics the committee should study. You can share your ideas or feedback with the MCCRC by submitting public comments in writing. Fill out this form to submit your comments, or you can send an email to Kali.Odell@multco.us with the subject line "Public Comment." Written comments are currently limited to 6000 characters (approximately two single-spaced typed pages). All comments received will be added into the meeting record and may be subject to disclosure upon request under Oregon’s Public Records Law.

Comments are shared with committee members in advance of meetings, so please submit them by 12:00 PM the Friday before the public meeting in which you would like them to be considered: MCCRC Upcoming Meetings

Sign up for our email list to receive updates about the 2021-2022 MCCRC and learn more about how to get involved on the MCCRC's Community Engagement & Public Comment page.