Series Descriptions
Series Title (Agency Series #): Description, Retention (Legal Citation)
Civil Process Service Records (MCSO14-001): Records documenting service and attempts to serve civil processes. Records include copy of document served, documentation of service, memorandum of fees received, and related records. Information includes name of person receiving service, date and time of service or attempted service, amount received for service (if applicable), and officer serving papers.
Retention: Retain 7 years. (MOAR 166-150-0135(13))
Property Sales/Deed Records (MCSO14-002): Documents sale and conveyance of real and personal property by the Sheriff's Office. May include certificates of levy, notice of sale, publication proofs, mailing receipts, copy of judgment and execution, certificate of sale, return of service, and copy of deed issued.
Retention: Retain permanently, per agency request. (MOAR 166-150-0135(74))
Receipts (MCSO14-003): Documents fees received by the Sheriff's office for the service of civil processes and orders, the care and transport of mentally ill persons and convicts, and the issuance of concealed handgun licenses and renewals. Includes receipts, invoices for fees, and documentation of reason for fees.
Retention: Retain 7 years. (MOAR 166-150-0135(13))