Oregon Department of Human Services Workday Resources

Oregon Department of Human Services Training Calendar

Multnomah County ADVSD Community Services Partner Agency Calendar.


Individuals age 60 and over who need ongoing support to remain independent


The service provides assistance in problem solving and connects the participant to resources and community support that will enhance independence. OAA Case Management does not include in-home services.  This service is aligned with Older Americans Act rules. 

Reporting Requirements:
  • Turnaround report: Number of services per participant and participant names
  • Use an ADVSD standardized OAA narration template to assess participant’s needs, record the outcome of home visit, and document contact with the participant.
  • All documentation and narration must be completed in UCR
  • The OAA service tab information is complete and narration of assessment and follow up steps is complete in Oregon Access (target: 90%).
  • Case manager meets with participant to conduct initial home visit or face to face meeting to assess needs, then registers participant in UCR, completing all required tabs.
  • Demographic data recorded in Oregon Access (target: 92%)
  • Case managers must develop action plans that include participant’s goals and case manager’s activities.
  • Track how many hours each case manager spends on each participant.
  • Response to referrals must be made within 5 calendar days of the referral.

Request website edits, ask questions about information on this site, or ask about calendar events through this Google Form.

Partners and providers only: If you need further assistance or are unable to locate a resource, please fill out this web form.