Additional SUN Kindergarten Transition Tools and Resources
Links to additional online resources and tools, including kindergarten transition plans used in different communities, promising practices, and research.
Links to additional online resources and tools, including kindergarten transition plans used in different communities, promising practices, and research.
Over 150 attendees took part in an event the SUN collaboration hosted on April 12th to raise awareness around disproportionate discipline rates for students of color
The following documents were created by the Multnomah County Linkage Steering Committee as tools for communicating to parents about chronic absence in kindergarten.
The following are support materials and other resources for SUN Service System contractor agencies who provide Parent and Child Development Services to SUN children and their families.
Register for Kindergarten by June 1 is an outreach campaign to encourage and support parents to register their child before school offices close for the summer.
The following are support materials and other resources for SUN Service System (SUN) contractor agencies who provide Social and...
Learn more about SUN Service System RFPQ process and get your questions answered.
Resources for partners of the SUN Service System.
Forms, tools, templates and resources for contractors of Youth and Family Services Division
Find a food pantry or free food market at a SUN Community School near you.
Learn more about the SUN Service System RFPQ timeline and where we are at in the process.
Click here to learn more about the SUN Service System Procurement process.
SUN Service System Service Delivery Model, August 2024
Working or Volunteering with Children or Youth at Community-Based Organizations