
Multnomah Stability Initiative (MSI)

County service

Assisting homeless and low-income households to leave poverty and become self sufficient. Includes: energy assistance, rent assistance, housing, housing, skill-building, early childhood programs.

Oregon Medicare Savings Connect

County service

Oregon Medicare Savings Connect can help with: Medicare Part B and D premiums, co-pays and deductibles, prescription costs. Services are free, confidential, and language interpretation is available.

Oregon Tobacco Quit Line

External service
1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669)
Spanish Quit Line: 1-855-DEJELO-YA (1-800-335356-92)
TTY: 1-877-777-6534

The quit line is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Parole and Probation Officer Lookup

County service

This look-up tool connects you with Parole-Probation Officers (PPOs) for individuals under supervision with the Adult Services Division.

Passport Applications

County service

How to apply and what you need to bring to apply for a U.S. Passport at Multnomah County.

Pay Property Taxes

County service

Pay Multnomah County Property taxes online, by phone, by mail or in person.


County service

Serves patients of Multnomah County clinics at 7 locations.

Pools and Spas

County service

License and inspection requirements for swimming pools, spas, swim beaches, water parks.
