Declarations of Emergency due to Extreme Heat
Where to find documents on emergency declarations due to heat.
Where to find documents on emergency declarations due to heat.
Know the symptoms of heat-related illnesses and how to respond
Multnomah County’s Office of Communications, in partnership with area agencies, coordinates media requests during hot weather events.
Children are more sensitive to heat and dehydration than adults.
An unprecedented heat dome settled over the region for nearly five days between June 25 and June 30. It was a mass casualty event.
It’s important to protect pets from the heat to avoid heatstroke, which can be difficult to treat once it begins, and can be life-threatening
Reports and analysis conducted on extreme heat events in Multnomah County.
Playing in cold water is a great way to cool off during hot weather. But water can quickly become dangerous.
Drink water, stay in the shade, seek out cool spaces and never leave people or pets in a hot car. Find other ways to stay cool and healthy here.
Opening a misting station takes some coordination. Before you decide check out this how-to guide
Advice from cooling centers on how to lend a hand or open one of your own
A great hot-weather event depends on sound judgement and high-temperature planning
Download posters on how to take care of yourself in extreme heat, available in eight languages. With tips for older adults, children, athletes, outdoor workers and pet owners.
Browse our collection of videos for tips to stay cool and safe during a heat wave.
When high temperatures are forecast for a string of days with little overnight relief, Multnomah County and partners stand up formal locations for people to get relief.