This page contains documents related to the Portland Water Bureaus’s project to build a drinking water filtration facility and pipelines.

Land Use Permits and Plans
Hearing Documents
Transportation Permits
Other Related Permits
Application Materials

Land Use Permits and Plans

    Erosion and Sediment Control Permit with Approved Plans:

    Hearing Documents

    Transportation Permits

    Other Related Permits

    Application Materials

    All documents shown are part of the land use record. Where a document has been replaced by a newer submittal, a note labeling it as revised has been placed after the link with direction to the replacing document.

    If these documents do not open directly in your browser, you may still download them in order to view.

    A. Applicant's Submitted Documents
    B. Staff Exhibits
    C. Procedural Exhibits
    D. Public Comments
    E. Exhibits Submitted Post Staff Report Issuance
    H. Hearing Exhibits
    I. Post Hearing Exhibits - New Evidence Period
    J. Post Hearing Exhibits - Rebuttal Period
    K. Post Rebuttal Period
    L. Final Argument Period

    Applicant's Submitted Documents

    Staff Exhibits

    Procedural Exhibits

    Public Comments

    Exhibits Submitted Post Staff Report Issuance

    Hearing Exhibits

    Post Hearing Exhibits - New Evidence Period

    Post Hearing Exhibits - Rebuttal Period

    Post Rebuttal Period

    Final Argument Period